Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Hello all,

Chandler and I have had an amazing trip so far, making our way down the West Coast of the South Island. We tucked up into the NW corner for a 2-day "tramp" in Abel Tasman National Park. Unreal weather conditions, as you may be able to tell. Think tropical NaPali coast of Hawaii with Bristol Bay, Alaska weather. We went from hard rain to sun and heat to cold, cold sleet and gale wind back to sun with rain. And that cycle would take place once every 2 hours. Seriously! Incredible views all-around, highlighted by the shear cliff drops at Seperation Point, while watching sea lions play on the rocks below.

We dried out (for a couple of hours) and drove south toward the glaciers and Southern Alps. Weather has been nothing short of intense here, I always thought it rained and blew hard in WA and AK. NZ is putting a serious run at the title for burly storms. Roaring Forties, eh! We thought our little bread-box van was going to blow away several times, both while driving and parked. While visiting Fanz Josef and Fox glaciers we had a large hail storm, which explains the lack of photos. We are meeting some very nice folks, one fellow joking with us 'flew 10,000 miles to be right at home, did ya?'

We love it here, and don't want to leave. Beautiful. C and I got into Wanaka today(18th), waiting to hear if our trek at Milford Sound will be cancelled due to avalache conditions. We will let you know.

Hope all's well, talk again soon,


Erica Horan said...

We have a photo of you both on the frig and we blow kisses to it every day. SO excited to hear how well your trip is going. How is Chandler's back?

We're well.

Jake loves school and was invited to a new friend's house yesterday. Er went with him - a very nice family within walking distance. Jake has already made a card for him and bought him a matchbox car to thank him for the play date. His name is Ryan Young.

Ryan is sleepy lately and a bit cranky - perhaps it's the change of seasons. He wants to learn how to ride his new bike and loves wearing his "froggy dress" Halloween costume every day.

It's finally fall here! So pretty. Ryan calls the falling leaves "flags".

TJ had an incident with LC Bunny. He stuck his finger in when we were about to feed LC and nearly got his finger chopped off. It was traumatic - just Er and the kids - Mike was at work. The tip of the bone is broken and the tip of the finger was almost halfway off but four stiches are holding it together. LC is still here - a sweet bunny and we're sure it was just an accident. Mike will fortify the cage so that no little fingers can get in again.

Erica is finally feeling better after being ill for 21 days in a row! Same as when we spoke the day you left. Feeling tired and a bit weak, but will live. Gluten-Free diet is coming along.

Mike is working hard with football and such. Looking forward to his 15 year High School reunion and poker nights with new friends from church.

Sorry to write so much info on your blog but we really wanted you to know what's going on here and didn't know if you could check your email....?

Stay safe.

How's the food?

Love, Erica, Mike and the boys

kyle said...

Hey anunt chande and uncle michael it looks like you all are having fun. It looks very pretty where you all have been so far. I am jealous. Talk yall later becareful and have fun

Mom and Dad said...

hey, something are in NZ while the director for "Lord of the Rings" Peter Jackson is in Malvern PA doing another movie which they will finish up in NZ in January!

Love, Mom
ps pray that all will be able to come on Sat.(esp Grandpapa)

Kelli K said...

Hey you Happy Hobos!!!!!! If I had a good sea breeze blowing at me as I was looking at those photos I could almost believe I was there, too! Thanks for the postcard! We are all keeping up with your travels and it looks like you are having enough fun for the all of us. Be Safe and soak it all up! Love you, Kelli