Wednesday, February 11, 2009

¡Hola de Espanña!

¡Hola de España! I made it to barcelona safe and sound and not too sleep deprived! My friend Amanda just happened to be in Europe for a marine biology conference, and we spent the day doing a little sight seeing. Barcelona is a very beautiful city. The buildings here are amazing. And the beaches aren´t too shabby either! Today is my first day at the lab (CSIC - Inssitut de Ciencies del Mar) and I´ve already started helping with experiments. We are looking at factors affecting the growth of four different species of jellyfish - Aurelia aurita (moon jellies), Rhizostoma pulmo, Cotylorhiza tuberculata, and a small box jelly that is a new arrival to these waters. I have also been introduced to outreach programs going on here at the institute. The lab is amazing - so much bigger than I expected. Everyone here is warm and welcoming and have been very patient with my terrible Spanish! I will be working everyday during the week and will have the weekends off to tour. I will post photos very soon. Hope everyone is well.




the minton pack said...

What an amazing experience for you! I'm glad you got this opportunity and hope that you are enjoying every minute of it!


Kelli K said...

glad to know you are there and having fun. soak it up for all of us!!!! cant wait to see some photos posted. Take care



Unknown said...

Chandler~!!! It's Aunt Kate!! We're so HAPPY for you!!! What a wonderful experience and so beautiful!! My goodness - we didn't know that you were going! What a treat to see all your photos and hear about the trip - we are SO excited for you and so happy you could do that- WOW~!! My lil' Ben will be so impressed to see the jellyfish, because his favorite show is Spongebob and Spongebob goes "Jelly fishing" all the time on his cartoon and he catches them gently like butterflies with a net, says wonderful things about them and then lets them float away - all the while calling them by their scientific titles :) - I was smiling when I read your depictions of the ones in your photos :)-We wish you a very memorable trip, a wonderful journey and a safe trip home!! We LOVE YOOOOO~!!! A. Kate, U. Mark - cousins Dylan & Ben - XOXOXO