Friday, January 21, 2011

On the Road in Chile

Patience is a virtue. After waiting to see what our next step would be on this adventure, we received an answer in the form of our luggage! Delivered, as promised, on time and intact. Being in a new place without any clothes or gear can leave one feeling exposed, but it all worked out well. We picked up our camper van, Brian, and hit the road. Our first stop: Parque Nacional Huerquehue in the Chilean Lakes District. We spent two nights in the park and took a wonderful day hike in the mountains where we enjoyed spectacular views of smoking Volcan Villarrica, Chile's most active volcano. As we gained elevation, the trail gave way to amazing forests of monkey puzzle trees and serene alpine lakes. We had a picnic lunch of fuet and pan (bread and salami)as we sat next to Lago Tinquilco and soaked up the wonderful summer weather. Moving on, we are on our way back into Argentina. We will be camping along the way, and will post more at our next stop. Caio!

Cha Cha y Miguel


Mom and Dad said...

oh my goodness!
These pictures are gorgeous Michael! We were so happy to see your smiling faces and hear your voices this morning!
Much love!
Mom and Dad

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Hey guys! Glad to hear you're on the road and having a blast!!
No pun intended since you're camping near that beautiful smoking peak! That warm weather looks great and we love the picture of Cha Cha with her feet in the water, ...ah the good life!
take care and talk soon!

Unknown said...

So beautiful and serene!!