Saturday, December 8, 2007

Hello from Thailand!

Well, Tonga was an amazing experience - beautiful islands, ocean, and people. We will write more about it soon, but now we are in Thailand having a ball! We spent a few days in Bangkok (what a cool city) and then took a 6 hour bus ride east to the town of Trat where we caught a ferry to the island of Koh Chang, where we are now. It's been sunny and hot, about 88F. We've rented a motorbike and have been touring around. It's very laid back and we've been enjoying ourselves a lot. Monday we are going on an elephant trek into the jungle. We can't wait! We will write more soon. Hope the holiday season isn't too hectic for everybody!

Michael & Chandler


Erica Horan said...

Glad to hear that you're safe and well. Please take photos of the elephants for the boys. How exciting.

Much love, Erica

Stephanie said...

Hi Guys!
I got your card and I was so touched to receive it. Its at the top of my card holder and I tell everyone what its about....... my two backpacking cousins! It was so appropriate! I have always wanted to take the kids and "be somewhere" on christmas...and forget the present thing....maybe when they are older. How neat this must be to have a holiday in another part of the world! Well you will be in our thoughts, prayers and conversation on Christmas... our love to you both!